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What Are Invasive Plants and Why Are They Bad?

What Are Invasive Plants and Why Are They Bad?

The term “invasive plants” brings to mind a small army of green shoots, marching towards the forest to wreak havoc, a la Fern Gully. If that’s what you think of, you’re not all that far off. Invasive plants are one of the harder aspects of human influence on the world...

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Look Out for These 9 Common Garden Pests This Summer

Look Out for These 9 Common Garden Pests This Summer

Just as your garden plants are really starting to bloom, you notice black spots on the leaves. Or maybe you find chewed-up petals or a whitish fuzz along your roots. Garden pests are no joke. They can kill your garden very quickly, undoing all of your hard work....

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How to Enjoy Botanical Gardens

How to Enjoy Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens can be a beautiful, quiet activity almost any time of year, but it takes a bit of preparation to fully enjoy botanical gardens.  Botanical gardens are a great place to learn about flower and tree identification, local sacred plants, and rare plants....

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volunteers are not enough


Despite their amazing dedication volunteers can’t handle the great size of public gardens so there is a big risk that we’ll all go back to acres of dead plants.


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