Plantsnap – Identify Plants, Trees, Mushrooms With An App

Arundinella yunnanensis (Arundinella yunnanensis)


Perennial,tufted,rhizome absent.Culms wiry,30–50 cm tall,1–1.5 mm in diam.,often branched below,4–7-noded,internodes and nodes glabrous.Leaf sheaths mostly shorter than internodes,glabrous;leaf blades firm,often involute,3–10 cm × 1–3 mm,glabrous except adaxial surface at base;ligule almost absent.Panicle narrow,8–19 cm;central axis and branches glabrous,smooth or slightly scabrid;branches spaced in lower part,4–7.5 cm,erect,loosely spiculate;pedicels slightly scabrid.Spikelets 4.5–5.2 mm,glaucous or flushed purplish;glumes glabrous,smooth or scabrid on upper part of midvein;lower glume 2.5–3.5 mm,3–5-veined;upper glume as long as spikelet,5-veined;lower floret staminate,slightly longer than lower glume;upper floret 2.6–3 mm,lemma slightly scabrid on back,apex awned;awn geniculate with brown twisted column,2–4 mm;callus hairs 1/2 length of lemma.Fl.and fr.Aug–Sep. * Mountain meadows;ca.3000 m.SE Xizang,NW Yunnan.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Liliopsida

          • Order: Poales

            • Family: Poaceae

              • Genus: Arundinella