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Mountain germander (Teucrium montanum)


Parrotal nanu, postráu, 5-35 cm d'altor, with robust raigañu axonomorfa and dogs purposes redondes, nodular dacuando of colored Pardu ramificaes Buxu well. Fueyes vexetatives llanceolaes, of 1-2 cm of llargu and 2-4 mm d'anchu, with whole songs, daqué points in the previous estremu, paulitanamente narrowes the leaf peciolu well curtiu, lightly endolcaes we songs, buxu green, glabres and llises pol fai with tomento blancu pol viesu Flowers blanques amarellentaes, of 10-15 mm of llargu, arrexuntaes in númberu of 1-3 in chapterssemi-spherical, mestos, terminal, that arise axial axes of the vexetatives cimeres, cutiu well amenorgaes. Mota tubuloso acampanáu, llixeramente hair, toothy more curtios que'l Tubu, triangular and curtly apuntaos with violet hues. Petals glabrous, with a tubu more llargu than the speck, with llabiu cimeru well enancháu and curváu esconbajo baxo; lóbulu mediu non estremáu, but llixeramente dentáu, in greater shape than the llaterales lobes, also curved to hide below; petals erect cimeros, with greenish or violet nerve. Dome of about 2 mm of llargu, reticulated, with great fixation score. Floriamientu from the end of primvera and pel branu

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Lamiales

            • Family: Lamiaceae

              • Genus: Teucrium