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Teucrium dunense (Teucrium dunense)


Sufrutice 20-50 cm high, bearing, voluminous, vigorous, with hermaphrodite flowers and female unisexual flowers. The stems are thick, ascending, straight, very branched, the exteriors sometimes decumbent, whitish-grayish, with long branched hairs; the branches are straight. The leaves, from 10-35 by 2.5-6 mm, are variable in shape, size and arrangement along the stem, opposite, exceptionally in whorls of 3, lanceolate-linear, linear, narrow, revolute, created at least from the basal third, applied, horizontal or deflected at maturity, flat winter, oblong, lanceolate, longer than those of the floriferous stems, in fascicles of more or less 10-12 mm, lanceolate, revolute, whitish underside with marked midrib. The inflorescence measuring about 20 cm, distinct in pseudo- panicle open, located in the upper third of the stem, formed by 3-10 verticilastros of florets with stems 1-3 cm, upper 3-4 verticilastros made in pseudobulky corimbus rarely in cluster of 3 heads of more than 1 cm, spherical or ovoid. The bracts are oblong-linear or lanceolate-linear, crenate in the upper third; the lower bractéolas, lanceolate-linear or ovate-lanceolate, long petiolate, with a petiole / lamina = 2 ratio, whole. The chalicemeasures 4-6 m and is tubular-campanulate, narrow, irregular, with tube with simple hairs inside, in the fructification closed by the convergence of the hoods; the teeth are 1 mm and triangular-obtuse, the central superior ovate, cuspidated or with a long terminal mucron, erect, rarely in the form of a hood, the rest yes, with the terminal or dorsal hidden by the indument, sometimes the lower ones only with dorsal mucron, denticulate. The corolla, of 8-9 mm, is unilabiada, of white color, cream, pink, rarely purple, with tube of 3-4 mm; latero-posterior lobes 1-1.3 by 1.2 mm, triangular, oblong, well differentiated from posterior revolute, glabrous, divergent; lateral lobes, oblong, glabrous, as long or shorter than the posterior ones; central lobe 2 by 1 mm, oblong, narrow, concave. The fruits are nutlets of 1 (1,5) by 2 (2,4) mm, ovoid, of chestnut color. The number of chromosomes is: 2n = 90

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Lamiales

            • Family: Lamiaceae

              • Genus: Teucrium