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Newcastelia (Newcastelia)


Newcastelia is a genus of flowering plants with 10accepted species , of the 12 described, belonging to the family of lamiaceae. It is astrict endemism of Australia . They are shrubs or sub-shrubs evergreen that can reach up to 4m in height, with twigs of rounded section, covered with a dense woolly garment formed by branched / dendroid hair. The leaves , without stipules , are small to medium, sessile - but not decurrent - or petiolate , decussate or arranged in whorls of 3 - rarely 4-, entire, with rounded edges and woolly on the beam. The flowers are solitary or organized in inflorescencesterminals in dense and elongated branched spikes - less often unbranched - or in woolly subglobose groups, in both cases with numerous bibracteolate flowers , practically actinomorphic , hermaphrodite , sessile or subsessile, with the penta or hexalobulated chalice - eventually with more lobes - externally covered by a dense shawl purplish-grayish or yellowish-golden; while the corolla , from blue to purplish or yellow to yellowish-whitish, has 4-6 -rarely more- equal lobes, the tube, straight, longer or not than the chalice and is internally tomentose. The androceo behaves 5-6- rarely more- stamensall equal and fertile, exerted or inserted, implanted between the corolla lobes. The ovary , more or less lobed and glabro, has a style with stigma almost entire or minutely bifid. The fruit is a tetralocular number globose, dry, indehiscent and with 1-2 seeds .

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Magnoliophyta

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Lamiales

            • Family: Lamiaceae

              • Genus: Newcastelia