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Horehound (Marrubium)


Marrubium (horehound or hoarhound) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae, native to temperate regions of Europe, North Africa, and Asia as far east as the Xinjiang region of western China. A few species are also naturalized in North and South America. They are perennial , suffering plants , somewhat woody at the base of the stem , which is rounded or quadrangular, with more or less dense clothing, from grayish to whitish. The leaves are petiolate , ovate, orbicular, subtriangular or flamboyant, with teeth lobed, with marked rib and dense, tomentose clothing. The inflorescences are organized in separate verticilastros , more or less globose. The calyx of the flowers is tubular, with 5-10 teeth, straight or hooked, spinescent and the corolla is bilabiate, with upper lip bifid, erect, and the lower trilobed. TheStamens are included in the corolla tube, the lower ones are longer, with very short filaments and the bifid stigma , also included in the tube. The fruits are tetranucleules of meronopous ovoid-ellipsoid merigolds, sometimes granular and hairy in the dorsal part and / or basal, of a blackish color.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum: Magnoliophyta

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Lamiales

            • Family: Lamiaceae

              • Genus: Marrubium