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Oenanthe globulosa (Oenanthe globulosa)


Oenanthe globulosa is a kind of herbaceous plant belonging to the family of the Apiaceae . It is native to the Mediterranean region. It is a perennifolia herbaceous plant that reaches up to 60 cm in length. It is easy to recognize when it is in flower, which is white, since there are not many umbeliferae within the humid zones. The stems are erect and angular with leaves divided into very narrow segments. The morphology of the fruits gives the plant its name, they are very characteristic because they are swollen and have a globose shape, the radii of the inflorescence also become thick and rigid when fructified. It is found in the western Mediterranean , in humid areas and lagoons . Oenanthe globulosa was described by Linnaeus and published in Sp Pl..: 255. 1753 Oenanthe : generic name that derives from Greek oinos = "wine", for a plant with a wine smell, and the ancient Greek name for some thorny plant.

Taxonomic tree

  • Domain: Eukarya

    • Kingdom: Plantae

      • Phylum:

        • Class: Magnoliopsida

          • Order: Apiales

            • Family: Apiaceae

              • Genus: Oenanthe